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The Internet Stock Report - has strategic and financial analysis of the Web industry, including stocks, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, forecasts, and trends. - is the most recognized source of news, analysis and information on early stage capital market investing information, including initial public offerings, venture capital and private placements.

The Motley Fool - exists to educate, amuse, and enrich the individual investor; to prove to you that the best person to manage your money is YOU; to propose that key to investment success is doing one's homework; and to show that 'homework' can be fun. - Hard-hitting financial journalism. Irreverent and insightful market commentary.

VC Linx - a hub to the best Venture Capital-related editorial on the Web. VCLinx provides links to the best-of-the-Web news from other world-class editorial organizations.

Wall Street Research Net - comprehensive resource site for investors on the Web, mobilizing the best free, for-sale, and in-depth information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use site.

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